Article of the week:
Do you want to succeed in internet marketing? You have a very high chance of doing just that.
Success always happens when preparation meets opportunity.
Ever hear of people who just happened to be at the right place at the right time?
You thought: “Lucky them.”
They weren’t lucky. They were prepared.
The same is true of you. There is always opportunity to succeed on the internet. When you are prepared, the opportunity will be there, and you will succeed.
One thing you should know though. Success is not free, and it is not bought. It is earned.
Just wanting success does not make it happen. It is not free.
Paying someone else to make you a success won’t work either.
You need to make success happen in your own life by preparing for it. When preparation meets opportunity, success happens.
You are on your way to success as you read this article. You are preparing yourself for success.
Getting started in internet marketing can be a daunting task. There are so many aspects; so many things to do; so many things that can go wrong.
This is why many people do not become involved in internet marketing, there is money to be made in internet marketing – lots of money. But where does one begin? How does one get started in the lucrative venture of internet marketing?
That is why this short article was written – to help the serious entrepreneur get started in internet marketing.
Many reading this article know nothing about how to build a website. That’s good because it is not that difficult, and you are going to learn a step at a time.
The first thing you should do is to stop worrying about how daunting the task is; how much there is to learn and to do; or how much you don’t know.
You will learn as you go and accomplish each task as it comes up.
You will make mistakes just as the experts have as they moved up, but you will learn from your mistakes, and you will succeed just as they have done.
You will succeed not because you are good at internet marketing, or because you even know what you are doing, but because you will progress toward your goal one step at a time.
Others have succeeded wildly at internet marketing, and you will too because there is money to be made from it and you know that you can do it if others like you have already done it.
One thing that you should know about the money to be made is that it is good to visualize that money. This vision will motivate you to keep going when the going gets tough.
You have already made at least one step toward your goal of success. You have considered internet marketing which will become your vehicle toward success and wealth.
You have read some things on internet marketing including this article up to and including this sentence.
If you have read this far you already know that you can succeed one step at a time even if the total task seems daunting.
You know that if you maintain your vision of eventual success. You will be motivated. You will succeed.
The key to your success isn’t in being successful. It is in having a vision and pursuing that vision one step at a time until you achieve a goal. After that you can plan other goals.
You will cultivate your vision. Your vision will motivate you to keep on going even when the going gets tough.
This is why I am telling you that there is money to be made at internet marketing. I want you to be motivated to succeed. I want you to succeed.
Money does not always mean success, but it is an easy way to visualize it.
So, with this article you are already well on the way toward your final goal of success at internet marketing. You know that you can do it and you have a vision.
You need three things in order to succeed at internet marketing: a product; a market – people to buy your productand a store – a place to promote your product(s).
You also need to know how to use your store to sell your products to your market; that will come with experience.
Most people start with a product. This is often because they have a product in mind and want to market it.
Most experts suggest that you start with a market. The idea is to find out which markets sell better, what products you can promote to those markets and to find out how to reach that market with your products.
It really doesn’t matter what you start with. What matters is that you have a market, a product, and a store.
If you already have a product, it is probably because you have a passion for that product. All that you have to do is to establish a store and a market for that product.
If you think that you need to build your internet business the way that the experts suggest – start with the market and find products for that market, it is not too late because you are just starting.
What matters is that you have a vision of where you are headed and have a determination to get there, and you are planning to reach your destination one step at a time. You are not going to become a wild success in one giant leap. You are going to succeed one step at a time.
If you don’t already have a product, you can find out which ones sell best by going to ClickBank and looking up the most popular ones.
The most popular ones may not be ideal for you. You want to find products that are popular, but that you also can have a passion for.
However, by looking up the most popular products you should be able to find some products that you can have a passion for promoting. These are the products that you want to run with.
ClickBank products are affiliate products. They are products or services someone else has created that you can sell on commission.
The advantage of an affiliate product or service is that the product already exists. You don’t have to create a product from scratch to promote.
Also you can choose from thousands of products related to a given market. You can choose to promote those products that sell the best.
You do not make 100% profit on affiliate products like you might with ones that you have created, but some affiliate products are so popular that you can make more selling them than you can selling your own.
Moreover, there are so many affiliate products that you can sell lots of products to lots of people along with your own. You do not have to limit yourself to just selling your products.
That way you can always have something to offer your customers even when they have already bought something from you.
I mention ClickBank, but there are other places on the internet that offer affiliate products.
JVzoo, Shopify and others also offer affiliate products. The ones that I have mentioned each have tons of products that you can promote involving lots of different categories. You can select the product that you want to sell according to popularity, percentage of commission for yourself or any combination of attributes.
As you settle on the product that you want, you will hone in on designing your site to promote those products to your market.
You may have noticed that when you select a product with the market in mind you accomplish two things at once. You find a product(s) to sell, and you find the market for that/those products at the same time.
This leaves only the store to set up. The store is the most important part of your business, but it is foolish to set up a store if you don’t know what you are selling or who you are selling to. Now, you can set up a store because you know these two things.
Your website will be your store. It will be your vehicle toward success.
It will be hosted by a ‘Host’. These are sites that er… host your site so that other people can visit it. You can build your site on your computer, but nobody can find it because your computer is not set up to show your site to the world.
Your need special equipment to do that. That’s what ‘hosts’ are set up to do.
You can find a ‘host’ to er … host your website by looking up ‘web hosts’ on Google.
I use Ipage. They have served me well through the years. They are good on support. They have a place where you can edit your webpages in html or WordPress.
Most hosts, like Ipage, have such a place where you can create your website. They have a simple editor that allows you to create text, ad pictures of your choice where you want, create links to your pages and other sites etc.
The most important thing to understand is that it is easy to build a webpage even if you have never done it before.
These editors are easy to learn how to use and you can create a pretty good looking site with them.
However, it may take you a while to build a website that you are satisfied with and you will be paying for the hosting while you are still building your site.
You can build your site on your computer using a free html editor such as Kompozer. (Webpage editors are called html editors because the code that webpages are written in is html. This is what the browsers read and interpret in order to create the webpages that you see when you surf the web.)
You can see what your webpage looks like with a html editor and when you are ready, you can upload it to your host.
You can download Kompozer at:
Kompozer is pretty easy to learn how to use and you can learn how to use it by finding articles on how to use it on Google.
Also look up articles on how to design a website on google. By design I mean how it looks.
You can create a website using an html editor, but you also want it to look appealing to the visitors of that website.
Like I said, if you build your site on your computer, you won’t have to pay for the hosting until you are ready to host it.
Your host can tell you how to upload a website from your computer to your host.
You will probably use FileZilla to do that. It is a free tool.
You can get FileZilla by googling it.
The link at the top is for later models of Windows.
When you click through the link, you will get something like the following:
When you click through the download button, you will be given a choice:
FileZilla (FREE!!)
FileZilla With manual (not so free)
FileZilla Pro (not so free)
FileZilla Pro + CLI (not so free)
If you click the Download button, you will get it for free. That's what I did.
It will probably cost you a little if you select 'FileZilla With manual'.
When you open FileZilla there will four boxes at the top -- 'Host', 'Username', 'Password', 'Port' --, and a 'Quickconnect' button at the top of the FileZila form. Your host can tell you what to put into the boxes.
When that is done, choose the folder that your entire website is located in and move all of it from the left side to the right side where your host is displaying your site.
To get the hang of it, you may want to Google 'How to use FileZila' or get 'FileZilla With manual'.
Good news & bad news: You are going to succeed because you are determined to learn how to do it right and are willing to learn from your mistakes and from others.
Bad news: your first website may be junk. Mine was. So was my second & third site. …and later sites needed lots of improvement.
(You may do a lot better than me, but just letting you know that you should plan on making improvements.)
That’s ok though. You are going to learn how to do it right one step at a time. You will eventually get things right and begin to succeed. Then you will succeed more and more.
Besides, your first site may be pretty good. I’m just telling you that your first efforts may not be perfect, but you can still persevere toward success.
Like I said, my first tries at making a dazzling site were… um… less than dazzling. But, I still succeeded in the end …even when my website still needed improvement.
Eventually you will become an expert and I will come to you for advice.
That’s how the experts got to where they are now.
A word of advice: The more you learn from others the less you will have to learn from your own mistakes.
This site, the Good Guy Site, is a good place to go to get excellent expert advice on every aspect of internet marketing. Several new articles on internet marketing by the experts are posted at the Good Guy Site every week.
The experts have already made the mistakes. You can learn from them and become a success much faster and easier.
Whatever happens, don’t be discouraged when things do not go as you had planned them. Internet marketing is a new venture for you.
It’s a learning experience for you now. Later, it will become a success experience for you. But, you will still be learning. Just keep on trucking one step at a time. That’s how the experts got started.
Your website will become the biggest aspect of your internet business. The products and services that you sell; the market of people that you sell to and your store – your website – all come together in your website.
This is where you will make your money – maybe lots of money.
Through your website you will optimize your site to appeal to more people. You will lean to create backlinks to your site. You will learn how to build a customer list of loyal customers that will buy from you again and again from your site.
When you find or create a new product to offer your people, you will refine it to fit in with your site.
You will find better ways to reach your market by refining your website.
From henceforth all will revolve around your site.
You should not worry about your site being less than dazzling at the beginning.
Even the experts have to improve their sites all of the time to appeal to a changing market.
If your site is less than perfect then you are already in the same league with the expert marketers. Keep trucking a step at a time. Success is on the way.
You may be thinking that now is the time to start thinking about money – lots of money.
Are you thinking about all the money that you are going to make?
Your site has to appeal to people or they won’t come to your site. No people means no sales -- no money.
From now on concentrate totally on how to make your site more appealing to people. If it appeals to people they will come and you will have people who will buy from you.
The money will come in then.
This is probably the best advice that I can give you.
Always focus on how you can make your website more appealing. Everything else will take care of itself.
You are creating your website to make money, but if people don’t like you they won’t buy from you. From this point on you will focus on how to make your website appealing; how to get traffic to it; and how to get and cultivate loyal customers that will buy from you.
Don’t get me wrong. You will sell products and make money, but your focus will be on appealing to your audience. This will help insure that you have satisfied visitors that will keep coming back.
You can start with pay per click (PPC) ads such as Adsense. PPC ads are ads that you show on your webpages that will click through to the pages of whoever sponsors the ad – usually a sales page.
As the name implies, these ads pay you a commission each time someone clicks through the PPC link. People do not have to buy anything in order for you to earn the commission. They only have to click through the link – hence pay per click.
The commissions are small because you are paid even when people don’t buy, but you get a commission on every click.
Adsense is a PPC sponsored by Google. The ads are made by all kinds of people. These people agree with Google to pay so much for each click. Google takes a small portion of that payment to pay for it acting as a clearing house for those ads and the rest is paid to you whenever someone clicks on the ad at one of your pages.
PPC ads only pay pennies because they pay for the click and not the sale. You make money on PPC ads whether sales are made or not.
They pay pennies but you can easily fill all your webpages with PPC ads by looking up ‘PPC ads’ on Google. Some of the links will show you how to do PPC and many will also show you how to find sponsors of ads that you can display at your site.
You can also look up ‘adsense’ on Google. The first link that will show on the search page will be to Google adsence:
You can also find affiliate products to promote on your webpages. Some sites that specialize in affiliate products are: Clickbank, JVZoo, and Shopify. There are others but to my understanding these are the biggest.
You can find more information on affiliate marketing by googling ‘affiliate marketing websites’.
Affiliate products pay a much higher commission than PPC, but they only pay on the sale – not on each click. Still, I recommend affiliate marketing over PCC if you can find good affiliate products to promote.
With time and searching you will be able to find good selling products.
You are in command with affiliate marketing. You can choose which products you will promote.
Finally, you can create your own products to promote. You get to keep 100% of the revenue from your own products.
However, you may find that some affiliate products are so popular that they generate more profit than your own products even though you get to keep all of the proceeds from you own products and only get to keep a smaller commission from affiliate products.
You want to promote the products and services that bring in the most money for you.
So, you can start monetizing your site as quick as you can set it up. You don’t have to wait until you have created your product. You can start with PPC ads and affiliate products and ad new products when you can.
Keep in mind though that your focus should be on pleasing your visitors. If they don’t want to come to your site you won’t make any sales.
You can place ads for your products all over your site, but you may find that fewer ads will make your site appealing and get more visitors and sales.
Once your site is up you will be spending a lot of your time improving your site and your methods of reaching out to people.
Always work on improving your site. The sales will come of themselves.
This is why putting together any website is so important. Once you have put a site up, you will be able to improve it and your outreach toward your market.
I have identified major 13 areas in which you can make improvements to your business once you have your website up and running. I list them with several articles by experts on each of the topics at my site – Good Guy Site.
Before you have your site up, you are not sure which direction your business will take. Your goal is to create a website that will appeal to your market, but you won’t know what to do with and what changes to make to your site until you have it set up.
Once you have your site up, you will have something to work with and improve. You will be able to set goals that have the potential to reap success.
I said that there are 13 major areas of internet marketing that you will want to pursue. Some them are: ‘converting sales’, ‘building a customer list’, ‘creating backlinks’… There are more. I have links to several articles on each topic at my site: the Good Guy Site. Email marketing is also an essential aspect of internet marketing, but it is a large part of list building so I don’t list it separately.
After you have set up your site you will study each of these topics and implement what you have learned from them.
Much of what you will do will end up improving your site. Other things that you will do will improve your customer lists etc.
Whatever you do will improve your success.
The Good Guy Site is a site that I have created which is a good source of expert knowledge on internet marketing because I am personally searching the web for top ranked articles written by the experts, and I am personally posting them on my site every week.
The posts are categorized so that you can easily find the help you need to make your site and internet business a wild success.
Like I mentioned above: your website will be your store. It will cost just a few dollars per month to host on the internet. Brick and mortar stores cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to construct. Renting a store front can cost thousands of dollars per month to rent. But the cost of putting a webpage on the internet where millions of people can see it is just pennies per day.
I am writing an article which I will making available soon.
It's free. I will be offering it to you just to help you succeed at internet marketing.
Also; I have written an excellent report on how to get sales:
This report reveals and excellent way to promote sales from your site.
You can get it for free below:
I also have, at my site, expert articles on:
Search engine optimization (SEO)
Creating backlinks to your website
There are other expert articles available in the expert article section, but this should get you started building your business.
I wish you the best and don't give up -- just keep at it one step at a time.
Three features will be of special interest to you: The 'How toDo it' feature; The 'Expert Articles' (13 main categories); and The 'How It Worked for Me'. Check them out.
You should also be interested in the feature: "Success". It will greatly motivate you to become a success.
This site was created especially for you. The articles there-in were particularly selected to help you learn how to succeed at internet marketing.
Feel free to visit all the pages at this site. They are there for you to use and benefit from.
Don't cheat though. If you post them at your site give full credit for them. The authors went to a lot of work to make this valuable information available to you.
Besides, the authors are well known in internet-land. If you point links to them, Google will reward you with a higher credibility.
Most of these articles are not written by me. I can't write that often. If you post these artciles at your site, give credit to them and not me.
They are fine people and provide people like you with excellent products and services, and I don't want to make them mad.
Together, we can succeed.