You can learn success from lots of people, but it is nice to have the principles gathered at one spot so that you do not have run all over the place to learn those things.
The experts whose knowledge we are sharing with you are ordinary people that have already succeeded. If they have become successful, so can you.
They succeeded and are succeeding by applying the right principles toward making their businesses a success. You can do the same thing. You just need the right knowledge, and you need to apply that knowledge to succeed.
They have already succeeded at internet marketing using proven methods and their secrets are revealed at this site.
I am able to reveal these secrets at this site because I have made the effort to do the research.
You can take the same amount of time to do the research or can choose to save time by using the information revealed at this site to your advantage.
The information is free for you to apply toward your own success.
Why run all over the internet researching how to do something right when you can obtain all of the valuable information you need at one stop.
This will allow you to use your time to actually build your website instead of spending a lot of time finding out what works or wasting your time learning what doesn't work.
(NOTE: There are two types of gurus on the internet – those who will dupe you and take your money; and those who have proven themselves and consistently appear on the first page of a Google search.
This last group are the true experts. These are the ones that we garner the secrets from and pass that knowledge on to you.)
My name is Kurt Ryker. As I said, I am able to reveal these secrets at this site because I and my team have made the effort to do the research.
We have garnered the best knowledge from the best leaders in internet marketing and are publishing our findings at this site.
This means that you can learn how to build a successful internet marketing business by visiting this site, and applying the proven methods that you discover here toward building your own internet marketing business.
I We are doing everything that we can to make this site your one stop website for internet marketing research.
This will allow you to use your time to actually build your internet business instead of spending a lot of time learning what works or wasting your time finding out what doesn't work.
There are lots of aspects to internet marketing – SEO, writing good ad copy, building a customer list, and lots more. And even the experts are learning more about each aspect every day. Internet marketing is a never-ending learning experience.
Learning how to succeed at internet marketing can be a daunting experience. One wonders where to begin. However, building a successful internet business is a very doable undertaking. It has been done by thousands before you and can be done by you.
Those who have succeeded at internet marketing are just like you. All they did was apply the right principles and methods. You can do the same and also succeed.
That is what this site is for: to show you proven methods of how to build a successful internet business.
You can succeed at internet marketing. You only have to implement the proven methods that the experts have discovered and are revealed at this site to succeed. You will do it a step at a time. It won’t come all at once. But what has worked for others should work for you if you keep at it and apply yourself.
Here are some of the distinctive features of this site:
There are lots of aspects of internet marketing and for every aspect there are lots of wrong ways and a few good ways of doing things.
The wrong ways lead to frustration and struggle. The good ways lead to satisfaction, fulfilment, and gratification – success.
These expert articles are garnered from the top of google listings. Their businesses are already succeeding.
What they have learned on their journey toward success you can also learn by learning from their articles.
This feature can be a great boon to your internet adventure.
Reading the articles alone won’t make you a success but implementing the methods revealed in them will be of great advantage to you.
Implementing these secrets will do more to help you succeed at internet marketing than anything else I know.
There are all kinds of ways that people recommend for you to build your internet business.
Do these methods work? How will they work for you?
You want to know. It could mean the difference between success and struggle for you.
That's where I come in. I have already tried it for you. So, now you have some idea of how something will work out for you.
We already have articles written by the experts that are specifically intended to help you succeed at internet marketing – the ‘Expert Articles’.
As often as I can, I select one to try out for myself, and I share with you the results of my efforts and tell you “How it worked for me.”
I go into detail on the subject so that you can know how these methods might work for you.
These Expert Articles usually discuss several ways to increase visitors to your site – getting traffic; or building a customer list (which is essential for any internet business); or any number of topics that you want to learn from in order succeed at internet marketing.
I will discuss every method that an expert mentions in order to help guide you intelligently.
“How It Worked for Me” will give you a sure footing as you move forward.
It will excite and motivate you as you make concrete steps toward your goal of success.
You will see what has to be done – “Expert Articles”; and know how to do it – “How It Worked for Me”.
These are valuable, well written, information filled reports that are free to you to use as you wish. They are good enough that you will want to keep them and use for reference material.
They are not just free & valuable.
I am giving you a tool that you can use to place links to your own webpages of your choice in the report. Then you can give these valuable, information filled reports with links to your webpages to other people.
That is, you can use these valuable information filled reports to lead people to your webpages.
Neat huh.
Can you see people flocking to your site because of these reports that lead back to your webpages?
PS. I am adding knew, well written, information filled reports all of the time. So, keep in touch.
The above features are a godsend for you.
But,There’s More.
These are tools that are inexpensive, but can be of great help in promoting your site.
One of the best is: "Easy Squeeze PageTester"
This is a tool that you must have.
I will go into it much more on this page later and will definately tell you everything that you need to know about "Easy Squeeze PageTester" at the "Help Tools" page, but right now I have the site up so that people can evaluate it and give me feed back.
I want this site to be good for you before I try to sell you anything.
(The "Help Tools" page is open right now; but I am not promoting any products there just yet.)
Trust me. I will have good products available for you in the near future. I have 50 very good products on standby now, and 15 very very good products ready to go now.
I just want people to get to know me and this site before I sell anything.
Besides, I am asking people to visit this site just to evaluate it. I don't want to look like I am trying to spam them. I need feedback right now so that I know that I am doing good for you.
PS. The "testimonies" page is currently set up to recieve comments. Look it up & tell me what you think of this site and of any improvements that I might make to it.
The other features are still very helpful for you even without the help tools, but they will still available for you soon.
So keep in touch. There is more to come.
These are articles that I have written that cover subjects that I think others often miss. I write them so that you will be well informed about internet marketing and will leave 'no stone unturned.'
The one that I have up now is: “How to Get Started.” It will walk you through the concrete but simple steps that you have to make in order to set up a good wesite.
I will soon have a followup article on how to promote your website. These two articles belong together so keep in touch.
The mindset that you have going into a project is probably the most important aspect of that project.
Your mindset and nothing else will determine if you succeed or not. If you have the right mindset, everything else will fall into place. If you don’t things just won’t get done.
When we are starting a venture, our mind is on the venture and the details of the venture.
We don’t think that we need motivation because ‘motivation’ is not a tangible ingredient of what we are doing.
Our mind is on our project not on something intangible.
However, it is how we think and our determination that will determine how quickly we will progress or even if we keep going or quit.
Those who have gone before you and succeeded will tell you the most important ingredient toward success is a proper mindset.
Everything else will fall into place if we have the right mindset. If not, everything else will fall apart.
This is why I am offering this feature.
I am researching articles for this feature now and will have some up for your benefit soon.
There are lots of aspects to a mindset, and they are all important so be sure to keep in touch.
Check it out “Success”.
We at the “Good Guy Site” are always putting something new up – new expert articles to help you succeed at internet marketing; new PDF reports for you to learn from and reference in the future; New “How It Worked for Me” to find out how to do it; new Help Tools to help you make your website take off; lots new of things.
This feature is a good place to visit just to find out what is new at this site.
Is this site any good? Don’t ask me. Ask the people who know.
Click through the testimonial link to find out what others think.
Two final thoughts: This page is titled ‘About Us’. However, you are the one who wants to succeed at internet marketing. This site is all about you and your success.
What you need to understand about success -- thought one -- is that it is not free, and it is not bought. It is earned. Every successful person has applied himself toward a goal to succeed.
Success at internet marketing is not free. You cannot just slap a website together and become a success. Birds build their nests one twig at a time. You need to understand that you will have to build your internet business one step at a time.
Success is not bought either. You cannot pay others to make you a success.
There are many ‘gurus’ on the web that ‘have the system’ that will make you a success. You just have to pay them for their secret.
Listen to me! You cannot buy success. It is prepared for.
There are also people whose articles have been curated at this site that offer you coaching courses.
They know what they are talking about. They have already earned their success and can share proven methods of internet marketing with you.
Listen to me! These guys are NOT selling you a bill of goods. They know how to do SEO, and garner traffic, and build valuable customer lists and a plethora of other things related to internet marketing.
They are not promising to make you a success. They are offering to teach you how to do internet marketing properly. The knowledge that you gain from them will be valuable.
You can learn valuable lessons from them, but you will still have to Implement the lessons.
If you do things right and learn from your mistakes and learn from others you will eventually have the website, traffic to the site, and loyal customers that are needed to succeed at internet marketing.
Success is not free, and it is not bought. It is Prepared for.
Don’t give up. Set yourself goals and do whatever you need to do to achieve those goals and you will eventually reach those goals. Then, you can set yourself higher goals.
The second an last thought that I want to share with you is:
When preparation meets opportunity success happens. How many times have you seen an opportunity come by and somebody else seizes it. They were at the right place at the right time because they were already prepared when the opportunity came.
Opportunities come all of the time. If you have missed the last one, prepare for the next one and when it comes you will be ready.
This site is specifically designed to help you prepare for the next opportunity.
Hang in there. Success is on the way.